
Mill Park FC

Would you like to complete the exact same testing as AFL draft hopefuls?
Would you like to measure your speed, power, agility and endurance?
Mill Park FC players have the opportunity to attend an AFL Draft Combine Testing session, delivered by Dynamic Footy Skills.

"For young kids to measure and enhance their performance, to me I think this is a fantastic opportunity."
- DANIEL LA GRECA, Mill Park U13 Coach

What's involved

Players will experience an AFL draft combine session under the same conditions as AFL draftee’s and under the guidance of Dynamic Footy Skills experts. 
Not only will players complete AFL Draft Combine Testing, they will also be able to identify their athletic strengths and areas to improve.
Tests include speed, power, agility, and endurance.


Thanks to the on-going relationship between MPFC and DFS – the cost to families for this experience has been reduced by 50%. Click Here for full details.

NOTE: Due to Covid Pandemic restrictions, player attendance numbers will need to be limited.  If capacity is reached, bookings will close.

Who DFS has Partnered With

w: dynamicfootyskills.com.au
e: info@dynamicfootyskills.com.au 
m: 0404 995 096

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